Child Welfare

  • Astral Acrobatics follows British Gymnastics’ Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy, both of which can be viewed on the British Gymnastics website.

  • We are highly committed to adopting and promoting the highest standards of care to all our members.

  • Our club’s welfare officer is trained to correctly manage any welfare issues and will do so in line with British Gymnastics child protection policies. Any issues regarding welfare should be directed to the welfare officer via their email, where they will determine the next appropriate route of action.
    Welfare Officer name: Tracey Smith
    Contact email:

  • We do not tolerate any form of bullying from any of our members (gymnasts, coaches, officials) or from any parents.

  • All staff over the age of 16 are DBS checked and trained to follow all safeguarding procedures.

  • Any photos or videos taken of your child for training purposes will not be done so without prior consent. This of course also goes for any images/videos being posted to social media.

  • All staff will have adequate training and/or received qualifications before carrying out any coaching duties.

  • A qualified first aider will always be present on site.

  • The ratio of coach to gymnast will be in accordance to the rules set out by British Gymnastics.

  • We adopt British Gymnastics’ equality policy. Anyone regardless of age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion or disability* should be able to participate in gymnastics with absolute no discrimination. (*provided it is deemed safe for them to participate in the activity).

Last updated 16th June 2021